Package: flite

Latest version availability by architecture

aarch64 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
✓ 2.1-r0 ✓ 2.1-r0 ✓ 2.1-r0 ✓ 2.1-r0 ✓ 2.1-r0

Details for version 2.1-r0

Description Small, fast text-to-speech synthesizer based on Festival
License MIT AND Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND Public-Domain AND BSD-2-Clause
Repository user
Maintainer Kiyoshi Aman
Size 68.8 MiB
Updated Mon Feb 18 22:08:13 2019 UTC
Revision 23e9687162daef256596c98016813ae151dd53e2
Source filesView git repository

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