Package: nextcloud-files_external

Latest version availability by architecture

aarch64 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
✓ 14.0.3-r0 ✓ 14.0.3-r0 ✓ 14.0.3-r0 ✓ 14.0.3-r0 ✓ 14.0.3-r0

Details for version 14.0.3-r0

Description Nextcloud External storage support app
License AGPL-3.0+ AND AGPL-3.0-only AND MIT AND Apache-2.0 AND (MIT OR GPL-2.0-only) AND BSD-3-Clause AND (Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-only) AND GPL-3.0+ AND BSD-2-Clause AND PHP-3.0 AND (Apache-2.0 OR MPL-2.0)
Repository user
Parent package nextcloud
Maintainer Max Rees
Size 3.0 MiB
Updated Sun Dec 9 18:03:25 2018 UTC
Revision 020a30d93a101127fdd2f494026fc80c632ae728
Source filesView git repository

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