Package: php7-xmlreader

Latest version availability by architecture

aarch64 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
✓ 7.2.11-r3 ✓ 7.2.11-r3 ✓ 7.2.11-r3 ✓ 7.2.11-r3 ✓ 7.2.11-r3

Details for version 7.2.11-r3

Description PHP7 extension: XMLReader
License PHP-3.01 AND Zend-2.0 AND Custom:TSRM AND LGPL-2.1+ AND MIT AND Beerware AND Public-Domain AND BSD-3-Clause AND Apache-1.0 AND PostgreSQL AND BSD-2-Clause AND Zlib AND BSD-4-Clause
Repository user
Parent package php7
Maintainer Max Rees
Size 80.0 KiB
Updated Sat Jan 26 03:56:31 2019 UTC
Revision d4ef4abd01034588267d9a17a55e6c0fff72c4fc
Source filesView git repository

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