Package: sdl2-dev

Latest version availability by architecture

aarch64 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
✓ 2.0.10-r0 ✓ 2.0.10-r0 ✓ 2.0.10-r0 ✓ 2.0.10-r0 ✓ 2.0.10-r0

Details for version 2.0.10-r0

Description Low level audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick and graphics library (development files)
License zlib
Repository user
Parent package sdl2
Maintainer A. Wilcox
Size 15.4 MiB
Updated Thu Aug 8 10:06:32 2019 UTC
Revision 39d1bb2bd8662ba307fee62ea4372015898152cc
Source filesView git repository

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