Package: cbindgen

Latest version availability by architecture Repology version information

aarch64 armv7 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
✓ 0.24.3-r0 ✓ 0.24.3-r0 ✓ 0.24.3-r0 ✓ 0.24.3-r0 ✓ 0.24.3-r0 ✓ 0.24.3-r0

Details for version 0.24.3-r0

Description Tool to generate C bindings from Rust code
License MPL-2.0
Repository user
Maintainer Zach van Rijn
Size 5.3 MiB
Updated Thu Jun 8 02:33:40 2023 UTC
Revision bc86e8af7cf634a7515ae76f5067b877234bd932
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