Recently changed packages in Adélie 1.0-BETA4

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Name Description aarch64 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
libxv X11 Video extension library
unixodbc Library for accessing ODBC data sources
mtdev Multitouch Protocol Translation Library
libxkbcommon Keyboard handling library
tree A recursive directory indented listing of files
xcb-util-image X C-language Binding - port of Xlib XImage and XShmImage
xcb-util-wm X C-language Binding - ICCCM and EWMH helpers
adelie-kde-theme The Adélie Linux official KDE theme
adelie-wallpapers Wallpapers from the Adélie Linux team
acpi ACPI client for battery, power, and thermal readings
autoconf2.13 A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code
krb5 The Kerberos network authentication system
krb5-conf Shared krb5.conf for both MIT krb5 and heimdal
graphviz Graph visualization software
swig Tool for integrating C and C++ code with other languages
gc A garbage collector for C and C++
libatomic_ops Provides semi-portable access to hardware provided atomic memory operations
nasm 80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity
libproxy Library providing automatic proxy configuration management
hunspell Spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program
dbus-glib GLib bindings for D-Bus
libxtst X11 Testing Resource extension library
libxinerama X11 Xinerama extension library
lcms2 Colour management engine using ICC standard
libunistring Library for manipulating Unicode strings and C strings

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