Recently changed packages in Adélie current

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Name Description aarch64 armv7 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
linux-firmware firmware files for linux
musl System library (libc) implementation
xf86-video-qxl QXL video driver for X11
uwsgi Web application server
weechat Fast, light, extensible ncurses-based chat client
protobuf Library for extensible, efficient structure packing
ruby-rake-compiler Provide a standard and simplified way to build and package Ruby extensions
ruby-reline Reline is compatible with the API of Ruby's stdlib 'readline', GNU Readline and Editline
ruby-rubygems-tasks Provides agnostic and unobtrusive Rake tasks for maintaining Ruby Gems
ruby-rspec Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby
ruby-rspec-expectations Provides a readable API to express expected outcomes of a code example in RSpec
ruby-rspec-mocks RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking
ruby-bundler Manage an application's gem dependencies
ruby-diff-lcs Generate difference sets between Ruby sequences
ruby-rspec-core RSpec runner and formatters
ruby-rspec-support Support utilities for RSpec gems
xfce-desktop Complete XFCE desktop environment
tumbler Thumbnail generation service for the XFCE desktop environment
xfce4-dict Dictionary application for the XFCE desktop environment
xfce4-notifyd Notification service for the XFCE desktop environment
xfce4-power-manager Power management support for the XFCE desktop environment
xfce4-screenshooter Screenshot tool for the XFCE desktop environment
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin Graphical CPU monitor plugin for the XFCE panel
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin Pulseaudio plugin for the XFCE panel
xfce4-panel Panel for the XFCE desktop environment

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