Recently changed packages in Adélie current

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Name Description aarch64 armv7 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
s6's small & secure supervision software suite
heirloom-pax Portable Archive eXchange, the POSIX archival tool
lz4 LZ4: Extremely Fast Compression algorithm
libidn Library for internationalized domain names
linenoise Minimal replacement for readline
mdevd A small uevent manager daemon
lzip Lossless data compressor
musl System library (libc) implementation
pkgconf Toolkit for maintaining development package metadata
gettext-tiny An internationalisation and localisation system
adelie-keys Adélie Linux's official signing keys
dash Small and fast POSIX-compliant shell
diffutils Utility programs used for creating patch files
less File pager
nvi Berkeley text editor
shimmy Utilities for stricter POSIX conformance
tzdata Time zone data
argon2 Password hashing library
byacc The Berkeley Yacc general-purpose parser generator
ncurses Console display library
bc An arbitrary precision numeric processing language (calculator)
bsd-compat-headers Compatibility files for building BSD software
bzip2 Block-sorting file compressor
man-pages Linux man pages
mawk Pattern scanning and text processing language

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