Recently changed packages in Adélie current

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Name Description aarch64 armv7 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
kblocks Falling blocks game
kbounce Puzzle/arcade game to build walls
kbreakout Break-Out like game with a ball and paddle
kde-development Development software from the KDE Software Collection
khotkeys Hot key mapping for KDE Plasma 5
kde-cli-tools KDE command-like utilities
libkworkspace KDE Plasma 5 workspace library
kdevelop KDE Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
kompare View and merge differences between files
lokalize Computer-aided translation system
umbrello Software modelling tool and code generator
kig Interactive geometry learning and exploration tool
kiten Japanese reference and study tool
labplot Interactive tool for graphing and analysis of scientific data
rocs Graph theory IDE
step Interactive physics simulation
kdiamond Three-in-a-row game
kfourinline Two player board game based on Connect Four
kgoldrunner Puzzle game with a gold hunt, dodging enemies, and digging around
kigo Go or Igo game for KDE
killbots Simple game of evading killer robots
kiriki Yahtzee-like dice game for one or more players
kjumpingcube Dice-driven tactical game
klickety Fun, simple colour matching game
klines Simple yet addictive single-player game

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