Recently changed packages in Adélie current

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Name Description aarch64 armv7 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
kleopatra Certificate manager and cryptography GUI
kio-extras KIO plugins for various data tasks
ksystemstats KDE system statistics daemon
kwin Modern, stylish window manager (requires OpenGL)
lxqt-desktop Complete LXQt desktop
oxygen 'Oxygen' theme for KDE
plasma-integration Qt platform theme plugin for Plasma
plasma-vault Secure storage plugin for KDE Plasma desktop
tellico Collection manager
akonadi-search Search functionality for Akonadi
artikulate Pronunciation trainer for languages
baloo-widgets Widgets that utilise the Baloo desktop indexing engine
bluedevil Bluetooth framework for KDE
bomber Arcade bombing game
libkdegames Library for common routines shared between KDE games
breeze Default KDE Plasma 5 style
frameworkintegration Framework providing components to allow applications to integrate with a KDE Workspace
khtml The KDE HTML library, ancestor of WebKit
kross Framework for scripting KDE applications
marble Free, open-source map and virtual globe
cantor KDE worksheet interface for popular mathematical applications
ktexteditor Reusable, programmable text editor widget
cervisia CVS Frontend
choqok Microblogging client from KDE
kdewebkit KDE integration with WebKit

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