Recently changed packages in Adélie current

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Name Description aarch64 armv7 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
cmake Cross-platform build system
docbook-xml XML schema for writing documentation
libxml2 XML parsing library
fcron Task scheduler
vim advanced text editor
gdb The GNU Debugger
icu International Components for Unicode
iproute2 Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools
lddtree List dynamic dependencies as a tree
libcap-ng POSIX capabilities library
perl-io-socket-ssl Perl module implementing SSL/TLS with IO::Socket interface
apk-tools Alpine Package Keeper - package manager
curl A URL retrival utility and library
pax-utils ELF related utils for ELF 32/64 binaries
ca-certificates CA root certificates
libcap POSIX 1003.1e capabilities
gcc The GNU Compiler Collection
python3 A high-level scripting language
libuv Cross-platform asychronous I/O
libssh2 Library for accessing SSH servers
libbpf A library for interacting with the Linux kernel's Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) facility from user space
libmnl Minimalistic library for Netlink operations
libaio Asynchronous input/output library
libffi A portable foreign function interface library
openssh Remote login tool using encrypted SSH protocol

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