Recently changed packages in Adélie current

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Name Description aarch64 armv7 pmmx ppc ppc64 x86_64
perl-dbd-sqlite Perl DBI SQLite module
strace A useful diagnositic, instructional, and debugging tool
sysvinit System V-style init programs
binutils Tools necessary to build programs
findutils GNU utilities to locate files
kbd Console keyboard and font management utilities
procps Utilities for monitoring your system and processes on your system
sysklogd System and kernel log daemons
easy-kernel-5.15.98-mc4 The Linux kernel, packaged for your convenience
dejagnu Framework for testing other programs
expect A tool for automating interactive applications
tcl The Tcl scripting language
kmod Linux kernel module management utilities
isl Integer Set Library
mpc1 Multiprecision C library
mpfr3 Multiple-precision floating-point library
nss Mozilla Network Security Services
sqlite C library that implements an SQL database engine
libarchive Multi-format archive and compression library
sudo Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root
zstd Fast real-time compression algorithm
gmp A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
pcre2 Perl-compatible regular expression library
linux-pam Pluggable Authentication Modules
libedit Library providing line editing, history, and tokenisation functions

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